to Our Site
Welcome to the REACH Homeschool Group. We are glad that you stopped by today to see what we are all about. Make sure to check out our website and if you have any questions just click on Contact and send REACH a message - we will respond as fast as we can.
REACH Homeschool Group
Serving Homeschoolers Since 1999
REACH is a very active group that averages 30-80 events per month.
We have activities and events for students of all ages.
REACH covers many areas including VA, MD and DC.
REACH's goal is to provide educational, fun and learning opportunities
for Homeschool students.
REACH offers classes, workshops, clubs, graduations, dances, music, drama,
art, chess, fieldtrips, group orders, contests, Honor Society, Beta clubs,
Scholastic orders, Homeschool bowling league, Archery, IXL, Spelling Bee, Mythology Bee, Teen Club, K to 3rd grade club, 5th and 8th grade promotion ceremonies and so much more...
some of the things that REACH is offering - we have lots planned for
the school year 2024-25 and we hope that you will join us.
Virginia Homeschool Day - June 2nd of each year.

Congratulations to the Senior Class of 2023
We had 16 Seniors this year graduating. It is always fun to do graduation and I cannot wait to see where the Seniors go after this. Wish them all the best and hope that all of their dreams come true.
Some photo's of the Senior Graduating Class on the American Rover Sailboat

Senior Graduation Day - June 3rd, 2023

Congratulations to the REACH Senior Class of 2022
What a blessing Graduation was - we graduated 20 Seniors this year. Now onto the next chapter in your life - keep in touch - wishing you all the best as you go forward. The world awaits...

Some pictures of the Senior Graduation 2022

Prek and K Graduating Class of 2023
We have 5 this year graduate with REACH.
We had Bennett, Declan, Ellie, Bella and Gunnar.
Now onto K and 1st Grade.

Prek and K Graduation June 2023

PRE-K and K Graduating Class of 2022
Congratulations to everyone - We have 9 graduating and one extra special young lady to join us for a K ceremony 2 yrs later due to Covid. Awesome job.

Congrats to the JR Beta Team as they traveled to KY to compete in the finals for National.
This is the 1st year that JR Beta attended and they did an awesome job. Mrs Cannon will be returning at Coordinator for this upcoming school year.
Art Award Ceremony May 2023

5th Grade Ceremony - 2023
Congratulations to all the 5th graders who will be heading into middle school next year. We met at Olive Garden for our ceremony and certificates were handed out and at the end we celebrated with cake.
5th and 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony 2022
Each year we recognize those that are finishing 5th or 8th grade with a certificate and a dinner at Olive Garden.

5th Grade Promotion Ceremony 2022
Every year we recognize those that are finishing 5th Grade with a certificate and a dinner at Olive Garden. Congrats.
8th Grade Promotion Ceremony 2023
Congratulations to all the 8th graders who are ready to move into High School next year. This is a fun event we do each year at Olive Garden in Fredburg. Students are given a certificate of Promotion, we eat and have cake at the end.

8th Grade Promotion Ceremony 2022
Each year we recognize those that are finishing 8th grade and heading to High School - We present them with a certificate and we have dinner at Olive Garden - Congrats 8th graders.

REACH Dances - Homecoming, Winter Dance and Prom - 2022-23

REACH Drama Club presented Alice in Wonderland 2023
Alice down the Rabbit Hole presented in April of 2023 at the downtown Library in Fredericksburg. What an awesome cast and they did a wonderful job.
Some pictures from the Alice in Wonderland Play 2023

REACH Drama Class presenting "The Wizard of Oz" - May 20th and 21st, 2022
Come and see "The Wizard of Oz' at the downtown library in Fredburg on the 20th and 21st of May either at 3 or 7pm - the show cost only $5.00 for a ticket - Come and support the REACH Homeschool Group. They have been working hard this year to put on this show.
Congrats to all the drama cast - the show was awesome.
Pictures from the Wizard of Oz Show performed by the REACH Homeschool Drama Club.

YOVASO CLUB - Wins 3rd place in the 2023 Arrive Alive Campaign for the High School Division
Congrats to the REACH Yovaso club for placing 3rd in this competition. Each year our club enters contests that are held
by YOVASO and we have placed in several of them.
YOVASO Student Volunteer of the Year - Reach's own Windsor
Congrats to Windsor for winning Student Volunteer of the Year for Yovaso Club 2022

Occupant Protection Award: REACH Homeschool
Congrats to the REACH YOVASO club for winning this
award for 2022. Great Job.
Yovaso Club wins 2nd place
Congrats to Yovaso for winning 2nd place... This club is for preteens and teens who are driving or will be driving.

JR Beta Club - Nationals 2023
We're still in awe of the amazing competitions we witnessed from your Betas during this year's National Beta Convention. Thank you for continuing to celebrate your student's strengths through Beta.
JR Beta National Convention Beta Club Winner 2023
Congratulations, REACH Homeschool Group!
We know you're so proud of the hard work your Betas put into their competitions.

National Beta School of Distinction - 20-21
Your School is a School of Distinction!
Congratulations to the National Beta Sponsor(s) and Beta students in your school for achieving National Beta School of Distinction status. This national award speaks highly of your commitment to academic excellence and illustrates your dedication to preparing students for college and career readiness.
National Beta School of Merit - 20/21
Your School is a School of Merit!
Thank you for celebrating your students' achievements with National Beta! We were proud to honor your school's dedication and commitment to academic excellence, by naming you a 2020 - 2021 National Beta School of Merit

REACH Library
REACH has it's own library now - thanks to the Church that we use they allowed us to take some of their space and turn it into a REACH library for families to use - The Library is open Wed and Friday's from 10-3pm and we have over 1000 + items in the Library - We have curriculum, readers, biographies, cookbooks, puzzles, Dvd's, board games, young adult readers, history, science, art, Bible, the classics, math, anime, board books and so much more...

Art Students Learning How to Paint and More
Our weekly classes are teaching students about art - Mrs Sandy teaches a different media every 6 weeks. Kids are learning how to paint in watercolors, acrylics, oils, pencil and more.
REACH - Hometown Holiday Spotlight - 95.9
Thanks to Mrs. Adams and these wonderful young ladies for practicing in a short time to put together a song for the 95.9 Holiday Hometown Spotlight - The students can be heard on 95.9 during the Christmas season - the song they sang was "We Wish You A Merry Christmas". Awesome job...

Young Authors
Congrats to the Young Authors on a job well done - their books are in and I got a chance to see all of them. I was impressed with all the art work and their story. Due to Covid last year the books were put on hold and finally the books are here. Some of you have already picked up your books and if you have not rec'd yours let me know - I have them at my office at the Church. So again Congrats to the young authors.....Thanks to Mrs Sandra Morgenstern for offering this class last year.
REACH Yearbooks for 2022-23 are in
The REACH 2020-21 yearbooks have arrived - please pick up your books starting in Jan 2022 at the church - if you made other arrangements with Julie then you can connect together

Saying Goodbye to Cici's Pizza in Fredburg
Cici's in Central Park, Fredburg was closing it's doors on Wed Dec 23rd and our group came out to say our goodbyes and more. We had over 100 people come and go between 4-7pm to show our thanks - the kids even signed a card for them to wish them well.. We will miss Cici's. If they come back we will be the 1st to welcome them...

How To Join REACH
You can visit our Membership page for more info or you can paypal dues to rhsgwanda11@comcast.net - Dues are $50.00 for the school year.
REACH Homeschool Group